Local CC&TSPM Holds Communication Meeting on Preaching

Entitled "Preaching and Service", the fourth communication meeting on preaching was held by Taiyuan CC&TSPM in a local church in Shanxi on an unknown day.
Entitled "Preaching and Service", the fourth communication meeting on preaching was held by Taiyuan CC&TSPM in a local church in Shanxi on an unknown day. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Joseph WangJune 23rd, 2016

Entitled "Preaching and Service", the fourth communication meeting on preaching was held by Taiyuan CC&TSPM in a local church in Shanxi. 

A preaching contest was also held at the meeting with 22 speakers delivering speeches combining faith, country, society, and the meeting's theme. More than 300 believers shared their experiences during the communication meeting.

In charge of the local CC&TSPM, Rev. Zhang Enlai concluded and encouraged the attendees to interpret the Chinese doctrines correctly and promote the sinicization of Christianity to benefit society. 

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