On August 31, 2016, seven of the Boys' Brigade of Hong Kong visited Guangdong's CC&TSPM led by Mr Hu Dingbang, chairman of the Executive Committee, and Pastor Huang Chengxiang, secretary of the Executive Committee. Pastor Lei Yuming, vice chairman of Guangdong TSPM, and Pastor Fan Hongen, president of Guangdong CC greeted the guests and communicated with them at the church.
Guangdong CCC&TSPM has been invited to visit BBHK between October 30, 2010 to November 1, 2010 and October 27 to 28, 2012.
The Boys' Brigade of Hong Kong is a Christian uniformed group founded in 1959. After more than 60 years of development, its member count is more than 13, 000 now. The branches of BBHK are located throughout Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the new territories in churches, middle schools, primary schools, kindergartens, special schools, and youth centers. The branches assemble once a week and cultivate children and adolescents through Christian education, marching, and skills training, and award each level to give them balanced development in body, mind, and spirit; having a good character that is filled with compassion, sympathy, morality, honesty, positivity and commitment.