Pastor Shares How to Cope With the Highs and Downs in Journey of Faith

Spiritual gloom and glee in our journey of faith.
Spiritual gloom and glee in our journey of faith. (photo: pixabay)
By Elsie HuDecember 24th, 2016

Life is not always smooth and sometimes difficulties come. So is the journey of faith. Where do spiritual peaks and bottoms come from? How should we win over weakness?

Speaking of the cause of spiritual gloom. Rev. Elijah from Shanghai states that for one thing, we keep spiritual fervor that compels us to attend services, read the Bible, hear sermons or pray for some time in our initial conversion moved by the Holy Spirit. But if we don't insist in understanding God's word during the golden time, we will walk into a cold period, so-called "gloom."

For another thing, the "gloom" is the result of doubt, discouragement, disappointment, and fear. When a man suffering from poverty, illness, blows or hurt gets stuck into self-thinking, he falls into a deep valley.

"Some people have shallow fervor (in the beginning), so they cool off at a certain stage." Then what should they do? They attend gatherings and get revived by reading the Bible and prayer, being filled with the Holy Spirit. They will feel strong, joy and peace, seemingly zealous. But it won't last long and they will grow cold...... Like this, they will be caught in a vicious circle.

The pastor regards the period that goes through the initial fervor, colding and rejuvenating as a large stage.

The small stage refers to the period when people feel spiritually weak due to circumstances like busy work, tedious farm work, tiredness and diseases throughout the year. People worry under the outside situation.

They will reach the ups through starting regular Bible reading and worship. Their heart will be kindled and turns strong. Therefore, there are ups and downs in our journey of faith. It occurs during the process of spiritual growth.

"Some may never reach peaks but only stay at bottoms; some circle in ups and downs......there will be only ups without downs in the end. (To reach that,) you should be mature in faith and focus on the Lord. "

When you focus on the Lord, you never look at whatever happens and are not affected. Your love never gets cold and nothing can weaken your love for the Lord, which shows your mature faith.It's not easy to achieve this. Jesus resisted the three temptations from the devil with God's word. We should learn from his obedience to the Holy Spirit with God's word.

"If you expect no Spiritual gloom, then keep praying, read the Bible and obey the Holy Spirit. Remain your love to the Lord and don't complain in any environment." The pastor concludes. 

Translated By: Karen Luo

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