5 Least Favorite Bible Books

(photo: Pixabay)
By Mei ManuelJanuary 29th, 2017

Have you read every book of the Bible and found one that gives you trouble? Do you skip on a specific book because you cannot understand it's message or you just skip to your favorite book?

A recent survey by Bible Society lists down the people's least favorite books of the Bible and cited why they do not get enough attention by the public.

1. Leviticus

For many, this book is quite complex as this book contains the ancient laws and rituals practiced in the ancient times and even today. Stories are also scarce in this book and many may find it boring to read. It is admittedly difficult to read, but looking between the lines of this book is quite rewarding. Its many laws and restrictions are all about what it means to be holy and chosen by God: "You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own" (Leviticus 20:26). 

2. Numbers

Can you quote the book of Numbers? Probably not. It's the fourth book of the Bible and is essentially the sequel to Leviticus. It focuses on the Israelites and their struggle to claim the Promised Land, and a lot of people die in it. It contains passages about God's judgment, but also classic descriptions of God's mercy too, sometimes in the same verse. A classic example is this: "The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation" (Numbers 14:18). Considering the messages are often in the same verse, it can be quite confusing to read.

3. Revelation

Martin Luther once said he didn't love the book of Revelation and thought it shouldn't be in the Christian canon. Some may even agree this book is very scary considering the subject it talks about. Revelation is not an easy book to understand, but it does confirm that the end of the world won't be boring as many things will come to pass. Actually, the word we so often use for disaster movies, 'apocalypse', comes from the Greek title of this book. It doesn't mean 'end of the world' though, but refers to something being 'revealed'. There's a lot of action, fire and judgment in Revelation, but at the end, it ushers the creation of New Heaven and New Earth.

4. Song of Songs

What do people have against the Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon? This is a passionate love story, full of imaginative, heartfelt devotions from one lover to another. It reminds us that human love and romance are a gift from God, and was later interpreted as a metaphor about Jesus' love for his Church. However, this book may get a lot of people uncomfortable to read it considering the graphic nature of some of these verses.

5. Lamentations

The final book that is the least favorite of many is Lamentations, a book which talks about Lord's compassions every day. "Great is thy faithfulness," as we often sing - straight out of Lamentations. Despite this theme, the book itself is pretty dark and highlights the darkest times in Israel's history and some may find it too graphic to talk about.

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