Head of the World Evangelical Alliance Visits China to Learn About the Development of the Chinese Church

A three-person delegation from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), visited CCC&TSPM, on April 24, 2017.
A three-person delegation from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), visited CCC&TSPM, on April 24, 2017. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Fang Ying(CCC&TSPM)May 3rd, 2017

A three-person delegation from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), including Bishop Efraim Tendero, the Secretary General, visited China on April 24, 2017. 

Elder Fu Xianwei, the chairman of TSPM, claimed that CCC&TSPM that values the relations with the universal church and they would like to strengthen exchanges with WEA on the premise of independence and running the church on its own. Fu introduced the features of the development of the Chinese church, as well as the current challenges it faces. He also emphasized the importance of highly qualified pastoral staff cultivation. Meanwhile, he held that the church should engage in more efforts for social service, through which the believers can live out God's love.

Bishop Tendero stated that this visit marked his first trip to the Chinese church since his election as the secretary-general and he hoped to know more about the Chinese church and to learn its experiences on evangelism through the visit. Agreeing with Fu, he expects closer cooperation with China in pastoral training and social service. 

According to its official website, the WEA is a network of churches in 129 nations that have each formed an evangelical alliance and over 100 international organizations joining together to give a worldwide identity, voice, and platform to more than 600 million evangelical Christians worldwide.

Translated by Karen Luo

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