On September 6, 2017, Nick Vujicic gave a "Hero & Dream" public lecture in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, attracting thousands. This marked his eighth visit to China.
The Australian life fighter born without limbs encouraged the attendants to never give up and dream big by sharing his story.
He said that there are ups and downs in everyone's life, but there are principles you can hold on to during the stormy days.
The first principle is to be grateful for what you have. The Christian evangelist and motivational speaker claimed, "Are we loving? Or we're just saying 'I need I need, I want I want'? I want you to know that no matter what you did your life, who you are represents in a perfect way transcends it...I can say who you are by how you love others."
Nick shared how he became a speaker. There was a man who cleaned the toilet in Nick's high school and who was the contributor to his successful speaking career. He has given more than 3,000 lectures in 67 countries and 35,000 people have invited him to speak. The first time the man suggested being an inspirational speaker, Nick said no. Three months later, he finally said yes. After giving a speech in front of a couple of students, he saw a girl crying and the latter said he saved her life by telling her that she was beautiful the way she was. He knew that he was born to be a speaker.
Loving yourself was the beginning step to success, he stated. "You don't know what you will achieve until you know who you are."
He talked about goals. After discovering your dream and passion, the next step is to motivate yourself. He said he began his lecture career after 53 calls to apply for a speaking event and it took him a two-and-a-half hour drive to arrive at the school to speak for just five minutes. The experience pulled him down but brought him many speaking invitations from schools he never imagined.
"What I want you to understand is this: we all start from the beginning. When you learn the truth of your value, you find your passion and your dream. There is nothing wrong with having an ordinary job... If you don't find the job, it doesn't mean you are less regressive... but you can overcome your obstacles and start seeing these values and opportunities to learn and grow. I want you to take one day in one time. I want you to dream big. I want you never to give up above all. Don't give up with you."
Citing his father's death three or four months ago that made him sad, he added that the most important thing had nothing to do with money. "Money, sex, drugs, alcohol can never satisfy you. So look for the most important thing. Be true to yourself... Love yourself and love your family."
In addition, he mentioned his faith that brought him joy in a Q&A part with five Chinese entrepreneurs. Because of his Christian faith, he believed in the afterlife and that his soul was content.