A few days ago the Media Ministry of CCC&TSPM announced that they would hold a series of events on December 13 in honor of this year’s Bible Day.
These events include a Bible reading contest, done in participants' Chinese dialects, an online Bible challenge quiz, and other onsite activities.
In the Bible reading contest, believers were required to record and submit a short video of them reading the Bible in their own dialects. The video should not exceed three minutes.
In addition to presenting Bibles, the onsite activities include Bible seminars and symposiums, a Christian book exhibition and interactive conversations between writers and readers, and a Sunday service.
In the early 1990s, the second Sunday (including Saturday) in December was designated as Bible Day in the Chinese Church.
In 2019, on the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Union Version, the Bible Ministry Committee of CCC&TSPM again began to celebrate "Bible Day", aiming at awakening the love for the Bible, emphasizing Bible ministries and promoting the Sinicization of Christianity. They held a series of activities in Hangzhou Chongyi Church, including a symposium, a Sunday service, onsite scriptures handwriting by a hundred Christians, and an award ceremony for copied Bible scripts. At that time, five young Christian writers presented and signed their names to be sold.
In addition to the onsite activities, this year the organizers launched these virtual activities, such as Bible reading contest in native language and the online Bible trivia quiz.
-Translated by Abigail Wu