Jiangsu Church Staff Plant Trees on Arbor Day

Staff of City One Church in Nantong, Jiangsu, planted trees in a local garden named "Green Valley City" on March 12, 2022.
Staff of City One Church in Nantong, Jiangsu, planted trees in a local garden named "Green Valley City" on March 12, 2022. (photo: Nantong City One Church)
By John WangMarch 15th, 2022

A tree planting activity was carried out by church workers in a botanical garden in Jiangsu Province.

On March 12, National Tree Planting Day, the Sunday ministry committee and pastoral staff of City One Church in Nantong went to a centurial garden named "Green Valley City" to carry out an afforestation campaign, the church reported.

After visiting the park on a sightseeing bus, they planted trees, followed by going kayaking, sharing their own experiences of service, and putting forward suggestions and visions for the ministry in 2022.

With a history of more than 100 years, the garden covers an area of more than 300 mu (0.2 hectares).

- Translated by Abigail Wu


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