Guangdong Church Observes Holy Monday With Fasting, Prayer

An on-site and online fasting and prayer meeting was held at the Church of Our Savior in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on April 3, 2023.
An on-site and online fasting and prayer meeting was held at the Church of Our Savior in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on April 3, 2023.
By Ai Mo April 7th, 2023

Church of Our Savior in Guangzhou, Guangdong, Southern China, hosted a fasting and prayer meeting in commemoration of Holy Monday.

The event, which was both in-person and online on April 3, had the theme "Choosing God or Money" featuring John 12:1–11.

The officiating minister at the event spoke about Jesus' authority over life, even in death. He shared the story of Mary, who used costly perfume to anoint Jesus, showcasing her devotion to him. However, Judas questioned the use of the perfume and suggested selling it to help the poor, but his true motive was financial gain.

The minister urged believers to consider whether their desire for Jesus or His grace drove them to Him. He also noted how the chief priests were threatened by the resurrection of Lazarus and attempted to kill him to protect their own interests. The minister questioned whether believers would intentionally ignore biblical teachings and act according to their own desires.

The fasting and prayer meeting on Holy Week Authority Day came to an end with a closing prayer from the officiating minister for "personal burdens in life" and "fulfillment of the church's mission."

- Translated by Abigail Wu, Nicci Rossouw

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