Commendation Ceremony Conducted for Christian Organizations in Hubei

Five churches were awarded the honorary titles of "Excellent Gathering Place" by Hubei CC&TSPM in June, 2023.
Five churches were awarded the honorary titles of "Excellent Gathering Place" by Hubei CC&TSPM in June, 2023. (photo: Hubei CC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui June 14th, 2023

A commendation ceremony was recently held to recognize Christian organizations that adhere to the sinicization of Christianity.

Hubei CC&TSPM awarded the honorary titles of “Excellent Group” and “Excellent Gathering Place” to seven Christian groups and five churches respectively, according to Hubei CC&TSPM.

The “Excellent Group” awards were given to Zhongnan Theological Seminary, Chibi Municipal CC&TSPM, and other five groups. The “Excellent Church Point” awards were granted to Rongguang Church (Griffith Church) in Wuhan, Holy Light Church in Daye, Zhongxin (Loyalty) Church in Ezhou, St. James Church in Yichang, and Hallelujah Church in Hanchuan.

Of note, Zhongnan Theological Seminary and Jingzhou Municipal CC&TSPM have undertaken the construction of theological ideology and developed Christianity in the Chinese context. To enhance the training of church staff, Xiangyang Municipal CC&TSPM has provided education on “Three Loves” (to love the country, the Communist Party of China, and socialism) and “Five Histories" (history of the Communist Party of China, the new China, reform and opening up, the development of socialism, and the development of the Chinese nation) Suizhou Municipal CC&TSPM has built a standardized management model that promotes upstanding faith and conduct. Meanwhile, Tongshan County CC&TSPM has set up an anti-cult branch, while Rongguang Church has arranged lectures on cult and heresy prevention through the law popularization efforts.

- Translated by Stephen Huang

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