Interview: Pastors Must Have Passionate Hearts

A picture of a man walking in the snow and leaving a trail of footprints
A picture of a man walking in the snow and leaving a trail of footprints (photo:
By Li ShiguangJuly 6th, 2023

A pastor from a city in southern China has raised concerns about the dwindling passion among today's pastors compared to the fervor witnessed in previous decades.

In an interview with Christian Times, an online Chinese Christian newspaper, Rev. Chen Hongyuan (pseudonym) expressed, "The Lord has entrusted pastors with one essential quality: a zealous heart."

"However, the loss of passion in pastors has led many churches to stagnate or fail to develop."

Rev. Chen highlighted the distinct differences between contemporary churches and those of the past. He noted that pastors today have ample opportunities for learning and growth, as long as they are willing to pursue them. Yet, he questioned what is lacking in these pastors, emphasizing the importance of a willing heart.

"In my opinion, vigilance is the most valuable quality a pastor can possess. Without vigilance, the church they lead becomes lifeless. If a pastor is content with the state of their church, that church is essentially dead, as is the pastor. Such an attitude is truly detrimental," stressed Chen.

While many churches are experiencing a revival today, the number of churches that remain stagnant or witness a decline far surpasses those in revival. Many traditional and conservative churches see a steady decrease in the number of believers year after year.

Rev. Chen explained that this decline is primarily due to members departing. Older believers pass away, while younger ones seek livelier churches, resulting in a gradual decline that eventually leads to church closures.

At last, Rev. Chen emphasized the importance of networking among pastors. He stated, "Given that some pastors may exhibit reserved behavior due to various reasons, I believe communication and discussions among pastors are essential. These exchanges not only broaden their perspectives but also challenge their habitual ways of thinking, helping them break free from rigid patterns."

- Translated by Joyce Leung

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