Choir Contest Hosted in Guangdong

A competing team wearing Chinese-style dresses performed in the fifth choir contest held by Dongguan Municipal CC&TSPM at the Gospel Church in Shigang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, on October 21, 2023.
A competing team wearing Chinese-style dresses performed in the fifth choir contest held by Dongguan Municipal CC&TSPM at the Gospel Church in Shigang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, on October 21, 2023. (photo: Guangdong CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseOctober 25th, 2023

Church choirs from Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, participated in the fifth choir competition.

According to Guangdong CC&TSPM, Dongguan CC&TSPM organized the "Noah's Offering of Pleasing Aroma" themed choir competition on October 21 at the Gospel Church in Fenggang Town, which attracted over 300 participants from 13 choirs across the city.

During the competition, some churches formed teams with ethnic characteristics, performing their competition entries as domestic original compositions, such as "Source of All Things," and wearing Chinese-style dresses. Following the assessment and feedback from a panel of four judges, the Gospel Church in Shilong Town and the other six teams were awarded the first, second, and third prizes, respectively.

- Translated by Poppy Chan 


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