Guangdong Ordains 1 Male Pastor

A group photo was taken at the ordination for a new pastor, Tu Zhifu (3rd from right), held in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, on November 11, 2023.
A group photo was taken at the ordination for a new pastor, Tu Zhifu (3rd from right), held in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, on November 11, 2023. (photo: Guangdong CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseNovember 15th, 2023

A pastor was appointed at a meeting point in Guangdong Province.

According to Guangdong Provincial CC&TSPM, Tu Zhifu was ordained as a pastor in the ordination service held at the Chang’an gathering point in Dongguan City on November 11.

Rev. Fan Hong’en, chairman of Guangdong TSPM, preached a sermon titled “Learn to Be a Good Shepherd,” encouraging the staff worker to be a good pastor for the Lord with a dedicated mind, manage the church by guiding believers to be patriotic and faithful, and live a life glorifying God and benefiting society.

Rev. Fan presided over the ceremony while Rev. Lu Hanheng, chairman of Dongguan Municipal TSPM, presented a stole and the Bible to Tu. Rev. Guo Yun, president of the Guangdong Christian Council (CC), delivered an exhortation to the new pastor, who responded accordingly.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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