Shanghai Churches to Launch Charity Bazaars for the Autistic

The Shanghai YMCA & YWCA held a bazaar to mark World Autism Awareness Day on March 30, 2019.
The Shanghai YMCA & YWCA held a bazaar to mark World Autism Awareness Day on March 30, 2019. (photo: Shanghai YMCA )
By Mark Cui May 14th, 2024

Eleven churches in Shanghai will organize charity sales initiated by the Shanghai Agape Foundation on May 19, the 34th National Day for Helping the Disabled in China.

According to a pastor of Grace Church in Jing'an District, the church informed believers of the charity bazaar a few weeks in advance, who presented the donated items to the church. In the past few days, the church workers have been busy organizing, categorizing, and pricing items. The church will organize the event after the Sunday service on May 19. All income and dedicated contributions will be transferred to the foundation to help the autistic community.

To provide precise care for "The Community from the Stars," the Shanghai Heavenly Love Foundation launched this charity sale. Moreover, sports programs are also carried out to help autistic children improve their agility, and physical fitness, as well as increase their team spirit.

- Translated by Emily Qu

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