Suzhou Churches Conduct Baptisms on Pentecost Sunday

A group picture was taken for 16 new believers with certificates of baptism at Apostle Church in Suzhou, Jiangsu, on May 19, 2024.
A group picture was taken for 16 new believers with certificates of baptism at Apostle Church in Suzhou, Jiangsu, on May 19, 2024. (photo: Suzhou CC&TSPM)
By Katherine GuoMay 24th, 2024

Three churches in Jiangsu held baptisms at the Pentecost Sunday service on May 19, with a total of 68 converts baptized into the church.

According to Suzhou CC&TSPM, on that day, Apostle Church held the first baptism of 2024 for 16 converts, officiated by Rev. Fuping Huang and assisted by Pastor Jie Sun. After the catechism class study and the examination of faith, they proclaimed their faith before God and the congregation and were baptized with the witness of the congregation, according to the baptismal procedure,.

In the Shishan Church, 40 seekers from the catechism class were baptized under the name of Christ. After the baptism, the church held a birthday celebration for the newly baptized members who shared their testimonies. A brother in Christ named Song Liu bore witness to the Lord, sharing the experience of his whole family's conversion.

At the same time, in order to provide the newly baptized ones with a platform to serve, the team leaders were invited to recruit on-site, introducing the ministries that new believers would participate in.

A total of 12 converts from Xiangcheng Church were baptized into the church after studying in the catechism class and passing a test demonstrating their understanding of the Christian faith. Mr. Mo Kuai, the senior pastor of the church, officiated the baptism by sprinkling water on them in accordance with the tradition of the church.

- Translated by Emily Qu

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