Henan Explores Sinicization of Christian Weddings and Funerals

Henan CC&TSPM held a symposium to discuss the theory and practice of sinicizing Christian weddings and funerals for nearly 30 members of the Research Office of Sinicization of Christianity in Xuchang, Henan on May 22-23, 2024.
Henan CC&TSPM held a symposium to discuss the theory and practice of sinicizing Christian weddings and funerals for nearly 30 members of the Research Office of Sinicization of Christianity in Xuchang, Henan on May 22-23, 2024. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangMay 31st, 2024

A symposium was conducted to discuss the theory and practice of sinicizing Christian weddings and funerals in Henan.

Nearly 30 members of the Research Office of Sinicization of Christianity in Henan participated in this symposium, which was hosted by the Henan CC&TSPM in Xuchang from May 22 to 23, said CCC&TSPM.

During the two-day symposium, participants analyzed the adaptability and innovation of the doctrine of God as reflected in weddings and funerals within traditional Chinese culture. They explored ways to integrate Christian marriage and funeral services with traditional Chinese wedding traditions. Successful cases of sinicized Christian weddings and funerals from grassroots congregations were shared, and discussions were held on how to extend these experiences to other regions. They also examined the main challenges currently faced in sinicizing Christian weddings and funerals, proposing corresponding strategies and suggestions. Additionally, the symposium discussed the social impact and significance of sinicized Christian weddings.

Finally, Professor Han Heng, director of the Research Office of Sinicization of Christianity in Henan, which is established at Zhengzhou University, gave a concluding commentary on the symposium.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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