Jining CC&TSPM Reviews Work From the First Half of the Year

A meeting was held by Jining CC&TSPM in Shandong Province to summarize its work of the first half of the year and planne for the second half on June 10, 2024.
A meeting was held by Jining CC&TSPM in Shandong Province to summarize its work of the first half of the year and planne for the second half on June 10, 2024. (photo: Jining CC&TSPM)
By Hua LiJune 14th, 2024

On June 10, Jining CC&TSPM in Shandong Province summarized the work of the first half of the year and planned for the second half in a meeting.

The participants studied the laws and regulations, including the "Regulations on the Administration of Social Organizations," the “Administrative Measures for Religious Clergy”, the “Regulations Governing Religious Activity Sites", the "Administrative Measures for Religious Groups”, the “Constitution of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches of China”, and the “Constitution of the China Christian Council.”

The heads of all churches from each county and city summarized the work of the first half of the year and reported on the work plan for the second half. The participants had a discussion focusing on the hot and difficult issues of the work.

The meeting pointed out that this year, Jining CC&TSPM further improved and implemented rules and regulations towards financial management and Christian activity site management. Activities were conducted, such as sacred music worship across the city, folk music performances, painting and calligraphy exhibitions as well as training for tea culture and social service skills. At the same time, it promoted the construction of the “Center for the Study of the Sinicization of Christianity” and the local construction of No. 6 House on Huangjia Street, the renovation of the missionary house on Paifang Street, and the clergy ordination, etc.

It required that Jining CC&TSPM adhere to the direction of the sinicization of Christianity, improving the rules and regulations as well as cultivating relevant talents.

- Translated by Olinda Wang

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