432 Seekers Baptized in Zhejiang Churches

Sicheng Church conducted an immersion baptism and sprinkling baptism in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, on August 4.
Sicheng Church conducted an immersion baptism and sprinkling baptism in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, on August 4. (photo: Sicheng Church in Hangzhou)
By John ZhangAugust 14th, 2024

In early August, two churches in Zhejiang held baptism services, with 432 seekers baptized into Christ.

Heyi Church (or Unity Church) in Longgang City held a baptism ceremony for its 409 followers of Christ at Lord’s Grace Church (or Zhu’en Church) on August 2, with a communion service and offering ceremony, reported Longgan Municipal CC&TSPM.

Following the Easter baptism, Sicheng Church in Hangzhou held its second "Baptism Day" of the year, conducting an immersion baptism and sprinkling baptism in the second Sunday service and afternoon service respectively on August 4, said the church.

During the second service in the morning, Rev. Huang Mingke, vice chairman and secretary-general of Zhejiang TSPM, delivered a sermon titled "Baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ," citing Acts 2:37-38. He explained that repentance was the foundation for baptism conducted in the name of Jesus Christ and that people could receive the Holy Spirit after they accepted Jesus as their Saviour. Huang compared baptism to washing clothes or a dirty body with water, stating that while water can cleanse the body, only the blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse people from all sin.

After the sermon, 11 seekers were baptized by sprinkling. In the afternoon service, another 11 members received immersion baptisms, and Reverend Huang administered a water baptism to a female individual alone.

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