A Young Pastor's Call to Read, Pray, and Transform

A picture of a man praying on the Bible
A picture of a man praying on the Bible (photo: unsplash.com)
By Danica WangSeptember 27th, 2024

Pastor L has served as a full-time pastoral staff member at a church for over ten years since graduating from Bible school. Regarding pastoral care, she believes the most important thing is to work hard on God's Word, read the Bible, and pray fervently.

She noted that understanding God's Word involves practical experience in daily life. "One will gradually experience spiritual growth when memorizing scripture and integrating it with daily experiences, including various practices."

The local church tends to be more traditional, emphasizing biblical interpretation, which she couldn't accept as she started her service in the church upon graduation. As a young person, she believed the church should be vibrant. However, she gradually found serenity after realizing that the word of God brings stability and calmness to people.

The church holds daily morning prayers for at least half an hour, followed by a sermon session, and then the congregation sings hymns together. The sermon session is conducted as a Bible study, focusing on a specific theme, a particular volume of the Bible, or following a sequential order of scripture. Local pastors also receive training in such a manner, progressing step by step to be equipped with the Scriptures.

Pastor L noticed that many believers have difficulties understanding the Bible. She believes that even if one cannot fully comprehend the Bible, one should still read it. A praying heart while reading the Bible makes a difference. It is also useful to use a commentary book.

She remarked, “A verse in the Bible can be preached differently ten years ago compared to today. The understanding of God’s word changes gradually as life grows.” Meanwhile, she emphasized, “Christians cannot just read the New Testament, but also should approach the Old Testament.”

Pastor L acknowledged that it is challenging to maintain a consistent prayer life in most cases, particularly for new believers. She believes prayer can be longer through practice, starting with five to ten minutes and extending to half an hour.

She further noted that numerous individuals feel distant from God in their prayers due to a lack of faith. She encouraged believers to emulate Paul's faithfulness and exemplify sincere faith in their lives.

When discussing evangelism, Pastor L emphasized that believers cannot leave the faith at the church when returning home, with family members reacting negatively when it comes to faith, even treating each other as enemies. Even if sharing the gospel with strangers, establishing a relationship may not immediately lead to change. Therefore, the essence of evangelism is transforming the self first, which allows positive influence on those around.

“Pray for this era, dedicate more time to God’s message, and come closer to the Lord,” Pastor L exhorted.

- Edited and Translated by Poppy Chan

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