On Wednesday, Wuxi International Church in Jiangsu Province held its inaugural Ash Wednesday worship service.
During the service, Rev. Hao Xiaoli delivered a sermon on the theme "Reflect on Your Mistakes and Contemplate God's Grace," based on Psalm 62:5. Before exploring the main message, she first explained the origins and significance of Ash Wednesday worship.
Rev. Hao highlighted the obvious contrast between Ash Wednesday and Transfiguration Sunday, which had just passed. She noted that this contrast reminds believers that Christ gave up his glory and even sacrificed his life for humanity. At the same time, it offers hope that he will fulfill redemption and rise in glorious resurrection.
She also explained the tradition of marking a cross on the forehead with ashes on Ash Wednesday. These ashes are derived from the burned palm branches of the last Palm Sunday, which means one should be mournful and repentant for their sins. For those who believe they are without sin, Hao warned that this is an even more serious issue—becoming numb to sin and committing it unknowingly.
Additionally, Hao emphasized that fasting is a significant spiritual practice during Lent. She encouraged the congregation to choose a fasting method that suits their circumstances—whether fasting for an entire day, skipping one or two meals, or abstaining from specific foods. Beyond food, she also suggested limiting mobile phone use, refraining from entertainment except for necessary contact with people, or using this period to break bad habits. However, she stressed that the purpose of these practices is to draw closer to God and to be more engaged in Bible reading, prayer, and devotional practices.
Meanwhile, Hao also introduced various ways to conduct acts of kindness, such as helping those in need, caring for the sick and grieving, showing greater love to family members, assisting others in the workplace, participating in church ministries, cutting unnecessary expenses to support those in need, and forgiving others genuinely from the heart.
After the sermon, Senior Pastor Rev. Li Pengfei led the congregation in self-examination and read the absolution. He and Rev. Hao then applied ash in a cross-form on the forehead of the believers.
The congregation responded to the imposition of ashes in different ways. Many approached the ritual with solemn expressions, some even shedding tears before and after receiving the ashes. Others smiled shyly while waiting in line and seemed curious about the practice. Some believers regarded it as a blessing and eagerly called brothers on duty outside the church to join. A few were worried if they were eligible to participate but joined after learning that everyone was welcome. Meanwhile, a small number remained observant but chose not to take part in the ceremony.
With a modern church architecture covering 4,400.70 square meters and completed in 2006, Wuxi International Church can accommodate 1,200 people for worship. It also has a 27.5 meters high bell tower and a parking lot. Four Sunday services are conducted every week, including two foreign services in Korean and English.
- Edited and translated by Poppy Chan