Pastor: Strengthening Believers' Spiritual Growth Must Be Church's Top Priority

Believers prayed at a gathering on an unknown day.
Believers prayed at a gathering on an unknown day. (photo: Gospel Times)
By Grace ZhiMarch 19th, 2025

When discussing church development, grassroots churches might consider constructing church buildings and training staff, while urban churches tend to mention institutional development—an area that has received increasing attention from the Christian community in China in recent years. While these aspects are indeed parts of church development, an equally crucial component is the spiritual growth of congregants, which should be regarded as the highest priority in church development.

However, this aspect is often overlooked in practice. Many churches have built grand buildings with well-established systems, yet their memberships are decreasing. Pastor Z, who has ministered in southwest China for years, emphasized that without fostering believers' faith, all other efforts will ultimately be in vain. "Believers need proper guidance in their faith, and this is something the church in our time must take seriously," he stressed.

Current Challenges in Grassroots Churches: Belief Motivation, Spirituality, and Salvation

In traditional Chinese beliefs, superstition is prevalent, with many relying on incense burning and idol worship to ward off misfortune. Today, when people come to church, many do so with similar expectations—seeking career advancement, financial prosperity, or success for their children. Pastor Z specifically highlighted the dangers of prosperity gospel, which boasts that everything will go smoothly after having faith in the Lord. "These desires are understandable," he noted, "but they should not be the motivation of Christian faith, which is not rooted in temporary gains but in eternity."

Beyond belief motivation, grassroots churches often exhibit great sensitivity to matters of spirituality. "But what is spirituality? Many do not have a clear understanding," he said. "Some even turn simple biblical teachings into something mysterious and complicated."

"Some believe that saying 'thank the Lord' more often means being spiritual. That is incorrect. Spirituality is determined by one's inner life. When one accepts Jesus as the Savior, he or she receives his or her life and is reborn at that moment." He emphasized that no one has the authority to judge another's spirituality, adding, "Only the individual can truly know his or her own spiritual state; one should focus on the personal spiritual state."

Many believers also struggle with understanding rebirth and salvation. Some think salvation comes only after death, while others believe it is reserved for those with high moral standards. "We are saved because we believe in and know Jesus," Pastor Z clarified, "not because we are morally superior or meet higher standards."

He also expressed concern about the spiritual lives of many Christians. "Some have followed the Lord for ten or even twenty years, yet their spiritual lives remain stagnant—or worse." Therefore, he stressed that churches must prioritize fostering the healthy growth of believers' spiritual lives.

Solutions: Spiritual Retreats and Enhanced Training for Grassroots Ministers

The church where Pastor Z serves is in a newly developed urban district. Established for over a decade, the congregation consists mainly of nearby farmers. In addition to Sunday worship, the church offers various gatherings, including youth, elderly, and women's fellowships, as well as Bible study and prayer meetings. However, Pastor Z believes these activities are insufficient to foster the spiritual growth of believers.

He noted that attending church on Sundays for one or two hours of worship is far from enough to meet believers' spiritual needs. "Some individuals treat worship as a routine task, merely sitting through over an hour. This kind of 'Sunday Christian' is common in the church," he stated. These individuals will forget the message they heard as they leave the church after service. For them, life and faith are disconnected. There is a fear that failing to attend worship seems like not fulfilling an obligation, which might lead to divine punishment, especially when facing challenges such as poor health or difficult circumstances. The belief is that not attending church might cause misfortune, so worshiping is necessary.

In this context, holding spiritual retreats is crucial for the church. Since its founding, Pastor Z's church has organized four spiritual retreats annually, one per quarter. Each retreat is centered around a specific theme. The most recent retreat, held just before Christmas, focused on the theme "Jesus Christ Incarnate," with seven church staff members delivering sermons on this topic. After each retreat, the church coworkers hold a meeting to summarize the experience, reflecting, "The theme was quite profound, but thanks to God's guidance, congregants who participated gained something."

Pastor Z emphasized that ministers must remain vigilant, as it is easy to unintentionally stray from the Lord's guidance. "This can happen easily, and mistakes don't require many years to occur. The church cannot afford to stray from the Lord's guidance." Every day, from 8:30 to 9:00 am, Pastor Z leads the church staff in prayer, regardless of the number of attendees, rain or shine, even if only two or three members. Furthermore, strengthening the training of grassroots ministers is essential to help them become deeply rooted in foundational truths.

In Pastor Z's view, a key indicator of a well-functioning church is the quality of pastoral care. "Today, many churches are grand in appearance, but the true measure of a church's revival is not found in its appearance. We must focus on the regular cultivation of believers' faith through worship, gatherings, and spiritual retreats, nurturing their spiritual lives, and feeding the congregation with correct biblical truth. This is the top priority for the churches in China."

- Edited by Karen Luo, translated by Poppy Chan 

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