11 Seekers Baptized into Jesus in Jiangsu Church

New believers and pastors of Xiangcheng Church in Suzhou, Jiangsu, took a group picture after the baptism conducted on July 10, 2022.
New believers and pastors of Xiangcheng Church in Suzhou, Jiangsu, took a group picture after the baptism conducted on July 10, 2022. (photo: Suzhou CC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui July 13th, 2022

A church in Jiangsu on China's east coast held the first baptism of 2022 for 11 followers of Jesus.

On July 10, these seekers were baptized by sprinkling in Xiangcheng Church in Suzhou after studying in baptismal class and passing a test demonstrating their faith, according to Suzhou CC&TSPM.

Rev. Xu Enbei preached a sermon titled "Follow the Lord with One Heart", exhorting the congregation and new believers to follow the Lord with one heart like Joshua and Caleb.

Before the baptism service, Rev. Xu conducted exhortation, faith inquiry, the prayer of confession, and intercession according to the requirements.

After the baptism, the church gave these new members Chinese fans with blessing, which was witnessed by 462 believers.

- Translated by Stephen Huang

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