Pope Francis: God Loves Each And Every One Of Us

Pope Francis
Pope Francis (photo: Photo: Pixabay)
By Michelle GuanzonJuly 14th, 2016

Pope Francis says god loves each and every one of because he is totally extraneous to the "throwaway culture" of today and like the good shepherd he does not want a single person to be lost.

He said that the lord uses the image of the shepherd who leaves his flock to go in search of one lost sheep to express God's closeness to sinners. Pope Francis emphasized that god won't allow even a single person to be lost and that in his infinite mercy. And reflecting on the "throwaway culture" of the contemporary world, the Pope said it is something that is totally foreign to God who would never "throw away" a single person. "God loves all, he reaches out to every person: one by one! He knows nothing about 'throwing away people' because he is all about love and mercy" he said.

Pope Francis also challenges us to go out in search of those in particular need of God's mercy, especially those who have gone astray.

Pope Francis added that Jesus teaches us that in his eyes there are no lost sheep, but only sheep needing to be found and that the joy which the good shepherd feels must also be the joy of the entire flock. "Christians must never be closed. Ever! We must not be closed within ourselves, or within small communities or parishes thinking we are right." because according to Pope Francis, Christians are called to embrace the missionary spirit that takes them into the world to encounter others.

"For the Lord no one is definitely lost: "He looks for us up until the very last moment, "he emphasized.

Pope Francis concluded saying that we are all lost sheep who were found by the Lord's mercy.

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