Six Areas Christians Should Be Obedient In

By Feng YanMarch 13th, 2017

From the story when King Saul was abandoned by God in 1 Samuel, it points out that Christians should learn the importance of obedience in faith, which is more important than doing something for God.

Believers can practice obedience in the following six areas.

1. Christians should obey the overarching rule to glorify God and to benefit people in everything in line with the greatest commandment.

2. People should obey those in authority for all authority comes from God. Obeying God's commandment avoids curses from God.

3. Christians should obey the church. For the sake of the kingdom of God and our salvation, we must obey the church. Just as our body members obey the body, believers being the members of the body called the church, should obey the head of the church, Christ. When we obey the church of God in our spirit, we bring about God's blessings on us.

4. Children should obey parents. When we obey and honor our parents, God grants us long life on earth. Parents are examples for children, teaching them to obey the truth of the Lord. They are responsible for building up the family and raising up godly offerings according to God's will.

5. Wives should obey husbands because wives are the body while husbands are the head. They should support each other; they should not separate from each other for a long time. Husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church. At home, wives should obey husbands before children for the sake of peace; otherwise, there will be confusion about roles played by a couple.

6. Servants should obey masters. As servants, we should honor our boss and fulfill our responsibility at work. As bosses, we should treat our workers in Christ with respect. Whatever we do, we should do it as if we are serving God for we are always God's servants.

The Bible records many good examples of obedience shown by our ancestors of faith, such as Abraham and Joseph. Christ is the best example for us to emulate. For believers, faith is the foundation and obedience is the fruit. When we do not obey in faith, we will lose our direction in the face of this sinful world.

Let us emulate our Lord Christ, who obeyed to the point of death on the cross.

Translated by Alvin Zhou

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