How To Deal With Angry People

By Mariel LeisterAugust 4th, 2017

Dealing with an angry person is like being in a bullfighting arena: you're faced with a raging bull ready to attack you at any moment. What most people do is avoid being around such people. It's toxic anyway and no one wants to get poisoned. Some people, on the other hand, fight head on instead of dodge and avoid injury. A clash of hot-heads always turn out into something nasty. But what does the Bible say about dealing with angry people?

"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. For in so doing, you will head burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:20-21

If the situation cannot be avoided, the passage above is our key on how to win. Since angry people are all negative, the godly way is for us to come at them with everything positive. Do it in love. See, angry people are angry for a reason. They could be hurting a lot on the inside and they have no outlet, or they cold be really frustrated and at their wits end. They could be suffering from a trauma or whatever it is...they have a reason. If we respond to them negatively, no good is going to happen. But if we attack them with the love of God, they won't be able to resist and they'll soften up in the end. You could even win such person to the Lord.

"Kind words give life, but cruel words crush your spirit," says Proverbs 15:4. Speak kind words to people who bash you with hatred. They need life and who better person to give it to them than the Christian who carries the very life of God?

Be kind to such people. God loves them, too, and they need someone to make them feel the love of God. Again, who better person to give it to them than the Christian?

Overcome evil with good. Overcome anger with calmness. Overcome hatred with love. This is God's way; and God's way is always the best way.

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