1/17A Christian woman performed a piano solo on a spotlight-lit stage adorned with a striped Christmas tree at Haidian Church in Beijing on December 25, 2024.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

2/17A group of Christian women gave a vivid performance to commemorate the festival at Haidian Church in Beijing on December 25, 2024.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

3/17The Gospel Church in Daxing District, Beijing, was decorated with two Christmas trees during the 2024 Christmas season.

4/17Believers staged the sacred drama "Return of the Prodigal Son" in commemoration of Christmas at the Gospel Church in Daxing District, Beijing, on December 25, 2024.

5/17Christians presented a group dance “Joy to the World” in celebration of Christmas at the Gospel Church in Daxing District, Beijing, on December 25, 2024.

6/17On December 10, 2024, congregants dressed in traditional ethnic costumes performed on stage to celebrate Christmas during the joint praise meeting, attended by congregations from 21 meeting points in the district, at Fengtai Church in Fengtai District, Beijing.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

7/17The exterior of Chongwenmen Church is illuminated with light strips, and the cross shines brightly.

8/17The church staff from the reception team warmly greeted visitors outside Chongwenmen Church in Beijing during Christmas Week 2024.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

9/17The Chongwenmen Church's main hall, with two calligraphy pieces reading "Hallelujah" and "Immanuel," hung on the pillars, was filled by the congregation in Beijing on December 24, 2024.

10/17Above the front seats in the main hall of Chongwenmen Church, a calligraphy banner displaying the theme of the worship service, "Worship," was hung during the 2024 Christmas season.

11/17Young believers wearing black and Christmas scarves sang to worship God at a church in Beijing during Christmas Week 2024.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

12/17Christians in robes holding candles processed through the church doors at a church in Beijing during Christmas Week 2024.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

13/17Christian women in blue and red ethnic costumes danced with flowers at a church in Beijing during Christmas Week 2024.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

14/17Christians performed with different instruments in celebration of Christmas at a church in Beijing during Christmas Week 2024.
(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

15/17A large choir performed to celebrate Christmas at a church in Beijing during Christmas Week 2024.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

16/17Believers staged a Christmas performance depicting the birth of Jesus at a church in Beijing during Christmas Week 2024.
(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)

17/17Christians in special costumes posed for a commemorative photo after performing a Christmas play at a church in Beijing during Christmas Week 2024.(Photo: Beijing Municipal CC&TSPM)