US to Sanction Countries with Illegal Deals with North Korea

By Faith MagbanuaJune 14th, 2017

Sanctions are being considered by the United States on countries that still conducts illegal business with North Korea according to US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson.

He stated that the White House would soon have to decide whether to impose "secondary sanctions" on those nations.

The Trump administration has sought to increase its pressure on North Korea over its nuclear and missile activities especially after Pyongyang's recent missile tests - which are banned by the UN. The recent test has sparked international alarm once more.

North Korea is believed to be making progress toward developing a ballistic missile that is capable of reaching the United States according to investigators and experts monitoring the situation in the Peninsula.

However, US State Secretary Rex Tillerson's warning only came while in a hearing at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee this Tuesday.

He stated: "We are in a stage where we are moving into this next effort of 'Are we going to have to, in effect, start taking secondary sanctions because countries we have provided information to have not, or are unwilling, or don't have the ability to do that?'"

Washington has no trade links with North Korea and has been considering sanctioning companies from third countries who deal with the secretive regime of Kim Jong-un in violation of the UN resolutions.

However, Tillerson did not give any names of the said countries.

He said the North Korea issue would be discussed with China, Pyongyang's major ally, at a high-level talks next week.

Asked whether China has been fulfilling its pledges to put more pressure on North Korea,  Tillerson said: "They have taken steps, visible steps that we can confirm."

In the committee hearing, Tillerson also stated that United States' Policy is of greater economic openness and was providing financial support to a "very oppressive regime" in Cuba. President Trump; however, is expected to announce a strict set of rules on trade and travel as early as Friday.

Aside from Cuba, America's relations with Russia were at an "all-time low" over the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, and also over alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential elections. Its future remains to be undetermined so far under Trump's administration.



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