WEA's Statement on the Holy Land Conflict

A picture of burning candles and an Israel flag on the table
A picture of burning candles and an Israel flag on the table (photo: Canva.com)
By World Evangelical AllianceOctober 11th, 2023

The WEA is deeply distressed by the Hamas attack on Israel and the Israeli people. The aggression has resulted in escalating violence and loss of innocent civilian lives in Israel and in Palestine. We lament all victims and pray for comfort for the families of those who mourn loved ones. We are concerned that the violence will further spread. Thus we encourage all efforts for de-escalating violence and working towards a just and lasting peace.

With bewilderment we witness demonstrations in many countries around the world that appear to rejoice in the killing of civilians. The WEA condemns rejoicing at any killing including on the basis of religion or race.

The Holy Land is of significance far beyond its borders due to its prominence to adherents of the Abrahamic faiths around the world. Jews, Christians and Muslims all have holy sites in the Holy Land and desecration of places sacred to the three faiths has repeatedly contributed to escalating the conflict.

We call on believers around the globe to pray for peace and understanding, emphasising that a just peace depends on actions as much as on thinking and speaking in a way that promotes peace. We pray for the Israeli and the Palestinian people–for their safety and well-being and that they may have a long-lasting, just peace in the Holy Land.

Originally from Webpage: "worldea.org"

CCD reprinted with permission

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