Friday, July 26th, 2024

Enriching Sundays: Church Initiatives Beyond the Service

Sunday worship involves more than just attending a one or two-hour service; it encompasses sanctifying the entire day. In addition to holding Sunday services, many churches utilize the time afterward to organize various activities that help congregants grow in their faith.

Interview With Pastor: Looking Forward to Sacred Music Ministry Taking Root in Chinese Churches

“If a church possesses a well-established sacred music ministry... and is able to actively collaborate with other departments under orderly and effective coordination, as well as establish an overall work plan chart, evaluating and formulating the development direction of music ministry and talent cultivation plans in conjunction with the church’s cyclical development outline, then this church is bound to grow even more rapidly,” said a full-time minister of sacred music at a church in East China.

Small Group in Northern Church Gathers at Home

Previously, believers left directly after the sermon in the small group. Now the group encourages young people to utilize their gifts and participate in ministry. This has cultivated a batch of young core members.

A Chinese Model of Theological Education?

Our brothers and sisters from China have plenty of passion and new inspiration for theological training, and their passion and energy are about to burst. When a new, Chinese way of doing theological training is coming on the horizon, are you there to cheer Chinese Christians on and walk with them shoulder to shoulder?

From Struggles to Harmony: Church Choir Thrives Under New Leadership

Located in a northern Chinese city, Church A has flourished from a small group into a congregation of nearly 300. Overcoming initial resistance, the church’s choir has significantly improved under a trained seminary graduate's leadership, blending professional skill with spiritual growth.

Urban Churches Step Up to Support Struggling Rural Congregations in China

As urbanization accelerates in China, rural churches are witnessing a decline in attendance and financial support, with younger generations migrating to cities. Urban churches are stepping in to provide aid and resources, helping to sustain and revitalize these struggling rural congregations.

Interview: 'Parents Need to Be Trained in Families'

"In the context of family, it's not only children who need to be educated; parents are the group who should be trained as well." A minister with years of experience in family ministry discussed his insights into building faith-based families.
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