Pastoral Staff Candidates Pass Trial Preaching

A preacher delivered a sermon on the trial sermon conducted by the provincial CC&TSPM in Jiangxi Province on November 14, 2023.
A preacher delivered a sermon on the trial sermon conducted by the provincial CC&TSPM in Jiangxi Province on November 14, 2023.
By John ZhangNovember 23rd, 2023

To select qualified pastoral staff, a trial preaching event for the scheduled ordination candidates took place in Jiangxi Province.

According to the organizer, a total of five candidates attended the Jiangxi CC&TSPM-hosted event on November 14. They demonstrated a good grasp of scripture interpretation and exhibited positive theological viewpoints with quite some preaching experience. Following candidate sermons, the judges provided feedback and suggestions regarding their sermon preparation, theological literacy, and language expression. Unanimously, the judges agreed that all of them could pass the assessment.

Finally, Rev. Li Yungen, chairman of Jiangxi TSPM, stated that, chosen by God, those about to be ordained should serve the church and the congregation wholeheartedly and be shepherds worthy of God.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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