Amity Foundation Visits WCC to Build Collaboration that Fosters Unity

Six delegations from Amity Foundation visited the Ecumenical Center on 6 June 2023.
Six delegations from Amity Foundation visited the Ecumenical Center on 6 June 2023. (photo: Gloria Koymans/WCC)
By World Council of ChurchesJune 16th, 2023

After a brief Introduction to WCC and a discussion on programmatic work, the Amity Foundation delegation enjoyed a guided tour of the Ecumenical Centre before receiving an overview of WCC communications.

Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata, WCC programme director for Public Witness and Diakonia, reflected: “Amity has a long history of producing and disseminating Bibles in order to bring about unity, and in engaging in diaconal work to foster reconciliation. These priorities are also priorities for the WCC as we continue our Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity.”

Rev. Nathan Day Wilson, WCC liaison to specialized ministries, said: “The WCC’s growing collaboration with Amity exemplifies the dynamism of the ecumenical movement where all of us, in places that are familiar and ones that are new, increasingly are defined by how much the joys and concerns of one are the joys and concerns of all.”

Wilson added: “To be simplistic, the world faces major geopolitical challenges. The stronger our binding ties are, the more likely we are to overcome those challenges.”

Visits the Ecumenical Center

Originally from Webpage "The WCC"

CCD edited and reprinted with permission

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