The Amity Foundation Holds ENAP Meeting in Norway, Discussing “Going Global”

ENAP Meeting
ENAP Meeting (photo: The Amity Foundation)
By Ruth WangMarch 29th, 2016

The European Network of Amity Partners (ENAP) meeting took place in Stavanger, Norway on March 14 and 15. The meeting topic was "going global". Twenty-four representatives from Amity and European partners discussed about the future global development of Amity. The meeting welcomed two new members: Anglican Alliance based in England and Geneva Agape Foundation.

Amity started ENAP, the cooperation mechanism in 1987, with aim of strengthening the connection and cooperation between Amity and it European partners. 

During the meeting, Qiu Zhonghui, the general secretary of Amity, addressed a speech themed "New normal, New vision of development, New journey & New cooperation". He shared the achievement of Amity in the fields like community development, the elderly service, religious charity, crowdsourcing for charity and its operation situation following its 30th anniversary soiree in 2015, according to the official website of Amity. He mentioned that Amity has entered into a new journey after 30 years.

In its new journey, the foundation will work around promoting the development of coordinated community, social service and religious charity ministry of churches, the healthy development of industries and diversified career development and sharing its international process with the world. 

The European partners were informed about the demanding needs especially in cultivating international talents. They congratulated Amity for its achievement over the past 30 years and announced to find valid ways and strive for more resources together with Amity to deal with social problems in the age of China's social transition. Meanwhile, Amity expected them to engage in cooperation to provide staff, skill and fund assistance to Africa.

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