Network Marking Talent: 5H1W, Secrets to Make Big Difference in Church Community Media

Church Community Media
Church Community Media
By Xinrong ZhengSeptember 26th, 2015

More than 2,000 shepherds and fellow workers attended the forum "Church Youth forum of state affaires 2015" in Taiwan last month. The organizer invited several famous shepherds shared the information about the importance of new media to the church in the future, hoping more people can be fishers of men for Jesus in social media.

Among these famous shepherds, "The talent in Network Marketing" Hsu Jingtai had been invited to share his secret of running social media. As a Christian, he stressed that we should put the concept of We-Media into the social media.

"Facebook has its special significance, not a single application." Hsu Jingtai began his sharing.

According to the organizer, Taiwan new life group church post on its official website "Jesus fashion" that if we want to run a Facebook account or FB page,we should have a sufficient reasons and consider how to spread the gospel through it. He also shared what he have done in running a social media network. "When you started considering those businesses, you will be more cautious in running your social media", he said.

Then, he shared the "5W1H" concept to help participants to make a big difference in social media.

1. Why: Find a continuable social media running concept.

2. Who: Make a small market for yourself. Before you can influence the world,you should have a group of faithful fans.

3. What: Provide a interesting, useful,emotional content and present it in a simple and visible way.

4. Where: Master online and offline, offline deepening and grasping the opportunity to take pictures and upload. And expanding on line.

5. When: Running a media also need disciplines. We should find the best time to share the right message and interact with the masses.

6. How: Five steps to find the first fans in the masses.

a. Look for the support for your family and friends.

b. Follow the recommendation from you leader.

c. Follow the recommendation from famous people.

d. Share the story of a specific character.

e. Make a topic.

Hsu Jingtai said running a social media is testing our basic capability. He hopes we can be a leader not a follower.

"You are the media!" At the end of the sharing, Hsu Jingtai encouraged churches running social medias together to influence the net world. And with the wisdom from God, everyone can be a shepherd to shepherd all the nations on the internet. 

Translated By: GuoRui Sun

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