On October 29, 2016, the opening ceremony of the two-day "Christianity and Modern Education of China Seminar " was held in Shanghai.
The conference is co-organized by Christianity and China Research Center, Research for Christianity in China and Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, as well as Shanghai University.
About 70 experts, scholars and pastoral co-workers from Chinese universities, Hong Kong and the North America discussed the themes around modern China and the history, general picture, development and future of Christian education.
There were twelve sessions convened in the two day event, each of which had three speakers give lectures in different academic perspectives. Besides these sessions, sixteen excellent doctoral candidates won prizes in the award ceremony hosted by the magazine 'Research for Christianity in China' in the last session.
In the opening ceremony, Professor Ma Min from Central China Normal University gave a theme speech on the "review and hope of the historical research of Chinese church universities ". He recalled the historical comments of the church universities in China in the past over half a century ago and stated that church universities were regarded as an essential part of modern higher education in China through several fields.
Ma also mentioned that the research of Chinese church universities has just begun as it is still limited in depth and extensiveness. He adds that the most important aspect of research lies in looking once more to what the history of church universities in China reveals to the modern Chinese higher education development, the eyes of education development and the internal law of talent cultivation instead of just looking at contemporary or modern history.
By Elsie HuNovember 1st, 2016
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