House Church Pastor's Sermon About Faith's Role in Life and How to Exercise Faith

Rev. Si Duoyong shares a sermon in a service.
Rev. Si Duoyong shares a sermon in a service. (photo:
By Elsie HuMarch 14th, 2017

Rev. Si Duoyong, a house church pastor in Southern China, delivered a message on the role of faith in our life and how to exercise our faith to the "Heart-to-Heart" fellowship in Hangzhou. 

What role does faith play in our life? 

"Faith plays a large part in out life." Rev. Si claimed.  He illustrated his point with examples and said we need faith when we are sick, get married, give birth to a child, raise children, educate children, find jobs and even ride a bicycle. 

 "The lesson of faith is very important to us."

The pastor mentioned that he encountered many difficulties when he remained single. It required a lot to buy a car, a house and raise children to get married in a prosperous city. Without faith, these realistic problems may have knocked him down.

He realized that many people aren't married at 40 and some still have no children at 50 due to a lack of faith. "One day I asked a brother why he didn't have kids. He answered, 'I don't think I'm capable of bringing up children until I earned enough money."

How to exercise our faith in life?

We can start with little things. For instance, "What should we do when we are sick? Without faith, we will immediately go to a hospital to feel comfortable."

Rev. Si said that it's not easy to receive medical care today. It may cost you a lot of money for cold and cough treatment alone. "After converting to Christianity, I have never been hospitalized for twenty years and was only given two intravenous drips."

In his late forties, the speaker showed that he doesn't know his blood type or want a blood test because he has faith in God. God created humans and gave us immune systems that kill bacteria and viruses, allowing us to resist bad things from the outside.

"Some people believe that they are not cured because they didn't find the right doctor. So they go to different doctors, hospitals or change medical prescriptions. Actually, we don't have belief in our immune systems inside our bodies and we should believe that the greatest doctor is God. God will help us, who created the immune system. We need to activate our system."

Besides this topic, he also talked about fasting and prayer. "Some believers are so lovely that they fast and pray whenever they run into something."

However, it's not good to fast and pray too often. "Some fast and pray to find jobs or partners...These actually represent insufficient faith."

In fact, we need to exercise our faith instead of fasting and praying for everything. "Faith can raise our inner nature of life and change our lives. We are always in the absence of faith, full of fear, melancholy, anxiety and worry for the future. Therefore, many suffer from depression in the world, led by a lack of faith."

- Translated by Karen Luo

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