Two Seminaries Usher in Fall Semester Launching COVID-19 Response

Pastors, officials, and freshmen of Guizhou Bible School were pictured in front of the school on August 31, 2022, when the opening ceremony was held.
Pastors, officials, and freshmen of Guizhou Bible School were pictured in front of the school on August 31, 2022, when the opening ceremony was held. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangSeptember 5th, 2022

Zhongnan Theological Seminary in Hubei and Guizhou Bible School started a new semester.

Outside Zhongnan Theological Seminary on September 1, students lined up at a social distance to register, have their temperature measured, and take rapid antigen tests with their health inspection checklists for seven consecutive days last week. They also should follow other COVID-19 protocols, including showing health codes and itinerary codes, PCR results within 48 Hours, and COVID-19 vaccination records, Hubei CC&TSPM reported.

After entering the school, they were required to stay in the dormitory for the first three days, attend virtual classes for the next four days, not go out, not use the library, not participate in gathering activities and receive meals in the dormitory rather than eat in the canteen. Taking daily health checks, they should pay attention to their physical health in real time, reporting if they have any suspected symptoms. Though the in-person classes are expected to be held on September 8, the campus will continue to implement closed-off management.

With the opening ceremony held in the school auditorium on August 30, Rev. Yang Chaoyun, president of Guizhou Bible School, exhorted the new students to build character, have the courage to assume responsibility, and become good pastors of the Guizhou church as soon as possible, CCC&TSPM said.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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