Christian Leaders Invited to Preach in Guangdong Churches

Rev. Lin Bingsheng, president of the Guangzhou Christian Council, delivered a sermon titled "The Rich Man and Lazarus" at the Qinglongfang meeting point affiliated with Dongshan Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on October 23, 2022.
Rev. Lin Bingsheng, president of the Guangzhou Christian Council, delivered a sermon titled "The Rich Man and Lazarus" at the Qinglongfang meeting point affiliated with Dongshan Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on October 23, 2022. (photo: Guangzhou CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangOctober 28th, 2022

The preaching team of Sinicization of Christianity in China’s southeastern coastal Guangdong Province carried out sermon exchanges in two Guangzhou churches.

In the sermon titled “Keep His Covenant of Love With You” given at Henan Church on October 23, Rev. Guo Yun, president of Guangdong Christian Council, encouraged believers to receive God’s abundant blessings, taking the faithful servants in the Old Testament as an example. The attendees were also urged to hold fast to the faith of the sages and live out the life of Christ to spread the gospel, reported Guangzhou CC&TSPM.

In the Qinglongfang meeting point affiliated with Dongshan Church, Rev. Lin Bingsheng, president of Guangzhou Christian Council, delivered a sermon with the title "The Rich Man and Lazarus", guiding Christians to reflect on the nature of faith, hope, and love and to hold on to firm faith, eternal hope, and compassionate love. They were reminded to participate in fellowship activities and church building, and benefit others in their personal lives.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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