Fujian Theological Seminary Spreads Original Sacred Music Compositions

An original sacred music composition was presented by choir members of Fujian Theological Seminary at a church in Fujian Province on August 5-6, 2023.
An original sacred music composition was presented by choir members of Fujian Theological Seminary at a church in Fujian Province on August 5-6, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangAugust 9th, 2023

Fujian Theological Seminary has initiated an endeavor to spread original sacred music compositions in churches situated in different locales.

From August 5th to 6th, as part of an event that centers on the interpretation, exposition, and application of the Bible within the Chinese context, the seminary choir ventured to churches located in the cities of Fuzhou, Quanzhou, and Putian, reported CCC&TSPM.

During these visits, they presented original songs such as "Always a Servant" and "Solely to Call Upon You." Serving as the seminary's motto song, "Always a Servant" not only underscores the commitment and devotion of the faculty and students of the institution but also accentuates the spiritual disposition anticipated from contemporary Christians. Through the hymn entitled "Solely to Call Upon You," they lyrically expressed their aspiration and obedience to the Lord, offering gratitude for His benevolent will and redemptive grace.

Utilizing this event, the achievements in sinicizing sacred music within Fujian Province could be disseminated to grassroots churches.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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