CCC&TSPM Bible Ministry Committee Holds Annual Meeting in Shanxi

The 2023 annual meeting of the current CCC&TSPM Bible Ministry Committee were convened in Xi’an, Shanxi, from August 29 to 30, 2023.
The 2023 annual meeting of the current CCC&TSPM Bible Ministry Committee were convened in Xi’an, Shanxi, from August 29 to 30, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui September 5th, 2023

The 2023 annual meeting of the current CCC&TSPM Bible Ministry Committee and the launch ceremony of the “Early Chinese Translation Series of the Bible” were convened in Xi’an, Shanxi.

During the meeting from August 29 to 30, Rev. Hu Junjie, president of the Henan Provincial Christian Council (CC), first delivered a sermon under the theme of “Faithful Ministers," citing 1 Corinthians 12:4–6. He urged the faithfulness of staff workers present to the welfare of the people and to the glory of the name of the Lord, regardless of the position they were in, as reported by CCC&TSPM.

Rev. Wang Jun, president and chairman of Shaanxi CC&TSPM and current director of the Bible Ministry Committee, summarized the accomplishments of the tenth Bible Ministry Committee from 2019 to 2023. He reported that to be aligned with the work arrangements from the China Christian Council (CCC) and Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) Committee, the team had engaged in different tasks for the past five years, including questionnaire surveys, field research, ministry exchanges, and promotion of contact. Moreover, the Committee also made some explorations and practices on the sinicization of Christianity in the Bible ministry, such as special surveys on the use of the Bible among ethnic minorities, themed events on Bible Day, and publications of a variety of kinds of bibles with Chinese characteristics. Concluding the work summary, Rev. Wang acknowledged that there remain quite a few difficulties and challenges in the Bible ministry.

Subsequently, Chen Hongli, head of the publication and distribution group of the media ministry, reported on the CCC&TSPM’s Bible publication and distribution ministry of recent years, stressing the challenges encountered in the Bible publication endeavors during the times of new media.

Liu Lei, general manager of Nanjing Amity Printing Company (APC), introduced the printing status and publishing process of customized bibles in domestic churches.

Concluding the conference, Rev. Shan Weixiang, vice president and general secretary of CCC, remarked that the ancient Holy Scriptures were infused with elements derived from modern society and Chinese traditional culture, as well as festivals, to meet the aesthetic needs of the people in this age. He also anticipated continuous ideas and endeavors on talent cultivation in biblical interpretation and commentary, as well as services for the internal distribution of the Bible.

Rev. Shan, Rev. Wang, and Manager Liu from the APC unveiled the premier publication of “Early Chinese Translation Series of the Bible” amidst the conference proceedings.

On August 30th, the attendees embarked on visits to the provincial CC&TSPM and Shaanxi Bible School, as well as local churches in Shanxi. The Bible Ministry Committee gifted Bibles and recently published books to the local churches.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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