Fujian Theological Seminary Rolls out Retreat Before Opening Ceremony

Before the start of the autumn semester of 2023, Fujian Theological Seminary held a Sunday service with the participation of the school's students, teachers, and believers near the institution, in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on September 17, 2023.
Before the start of the autumn semester of 2023, Fujian Theological Seminary held a Sunday service with the participation of the school's students, teachers, and believers near the institution, in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, on September 17, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangSeptember 25th, 2023

Before the autumn semester of 2023 began, Fujian Theological Seminary conducted a retreat and Sunday service.

According to CCC&TSPM, Rev. Chen Yilu, executive vice president of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary and vice chairman of the China Christian Council (CCC), delivered sermons during the seminary's first retreat.

On the morning of September 16, Pastor Chen gave a sermon titled "Priceless Youth, Blessed by Following the Lord," citing Matthew 4:18–22 and 1 Timothy 4:8–12. He urged the students to respond to Jesus’ call with determination, not to waste their time or to be content with an easy and comfortable life. In the afternoon, he shared a sermon with the title "Not Wasting Youth, Walking Together," based on 1 Samuel 20:12–17 and Matthew 19:16–22. Using the examples of Jonathan and David, he emphasized the value of selfless friendship, loving fellowship, and united service.

During the Sunday service the next day, Chen preached a sermon titled "Jesus Is the Light of the World," focusing on the importance of having light in life, thoughts, and actions.

On September 18, the school held the opening service and ceremony for the autumn semester of 2023.

President Yue Qinghua delivered a sermon with the title "Blessed One to Recognize Jesus' Identity," citing Matthew 16:13–20. He emphasized the importance of having a correct understanding of Jesus for students and faculty to have more responsibility, commitment, and motivation in their lives and service.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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