Guangdong Churches Leaders Attend 180th Anniversary of Hong Kong Anglican Church

Leaders of Guangdong Provincial CC&TSPM were invited to join and celebrate the 180th anniversary of the foundation of Sheng Kung Hui in Hong Kong in Hong Kong from October 22 to 24, 2023.
1/2Leaders of Guangdong Provincial CC&TSPM were invited to join and celebrate the 180th anniversary of the foundation of Sheng Kung Hui in Hong Kong in Hong Kong from October 22 to 24, 2023.(Photo: Guangdong CC&TSPM)
Rev. Fan Hong'en (3rd from right) congratulated the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui on its 180th anniversary and delivered a calligraphy scroll as a gift in Hong Kong from October 22 to 24, 2023.
2/2Rev. Fan Hong'en (3rd from right) congratulated the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui on its 180th anniversary and delivered a calligraphy scroll as a gift in Hong Kong from October 22 to 24, 2023.(Photo: Guangdong CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseOctober 26th, 2023

Guangdong Christian leaders were invited to join and celebrate the 180th anniversary of the foundation of Sheng Kung Hui in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Anglican Church) and the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of the Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.

From October 22 to 24, Rev. Fan Hong'en, chairman of the Guangdong Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), and Rev. Guo Yun, president of the Guangdong Christian Council (CC), embarked on a visit to Hong Kong for this annual celebration, reported Guangdong CC&TSPM.

Rev. Fan congratulated the Sheng Kung Hui on the occasion of this commemorative event and presented a calligraphy scroll as a gift. He pointed out that, with the same cultural roots, close interpersonal relationships, and adjacent geographical location, churches in Guangdong and the Hong Kong Anglican Church also shared close Christian fellowship and had a long-term exchange among the ministries. Therefore, Fan suggested that they work together more on aspects of the sinicization of Christianity, using each other's strengths among the young and middle-aged pastoral staff and promoting theological thought development while keeping good relationships and setting up a way for both groups to visit each other.

The Most Revised Andrew Chan, archbishop of Hong Kong and primate of Hong Kong, Sheng Kung Hui, remarked that increasing interaction among churches in Hong Kong and Guangdong helped gather and collaborate among believers and communities in both areas. He hoped that the friendship between the two sides could lead to more cooperation in areas like church liturgy, pastoral management, historical research, and talent development. This would help keep traditions alive and bring together the next generation of church staff and young believers in both regions.

The delegation also took part in the Holy Communion service during the visit.

Following this trip, Guangdong CC&TSPM will further promote exchanges in the areas of church management, religious ceremonies, and ministry interactions with the Sheng Kung Hui in Hong Kong.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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