Jilin Holds 2023 Theology Graduates Seminar

Jilin CC&TSPM hosted a symposium among the theology graduates of 2023 at the Jilin Bible School in Changchun City, Jinlin Province, on November 22, 2023.
Jilin CC&TSPM hosted a symposium among the theology graduates of 2023 at the Jilin Bible School in Changchun City, Jinlin Province, on November 22, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Serena TseNovember 28th, 2023

Jilin CC&TSPM hosted a symposium among the theology graduates of 2023 at the Jilin Bible School.

On November 22, 50 theology graduates introduced themselves, and six of them shared their experiences and reflections on serving in the churches after graduation, reported CCC&TSPM.

Rev. Ren Dazhong, chairman and president of Jilin CC&TSPM, exhorted the young graduates, based on 1 Timothy 4:12, to serve humbly and cautiously, setting examples for the congregation.

Subsequently, Rev. Liu Xinggang, vice president of the Jilin Bible School, led the attendees to learn about the Measures for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Christian Clergy in Jilin Province, which aim to regulate the management of clergy in Jilin Province.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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