Village Pastor Installed in Zhangzhou

Rev. Lai Jisheng from Longtou meeting point in Anhou Town, Zhangzhou, Fujian, took the oath of office during his installation ceremony on May 18, 2024.
Rev. Lai Jisheng from Longtou meeting point in Anhou Town, Zhangzhou, Fujian, took the oath of office during his installation ceremony on May 18, 2024.
By Lin MuliMay 21st, 2024

The inauguration ceremony of a village pastor was launched in Fujian Province.

After ordained as a pastor by the pastorate from Fujian CC&TSPM on April 16, Pastor Lai Jicheng was installed to serve in Anhou Town on May 18. He is the first ordained pastor in the rural gathering sites in Anhou Town.

During the installation service, Chen Huijiang, vice president of the Zhangzhou Christian Council and senior pastor of Jieguanting Church, delivered a sermon titled "The Faithful Servant of Christ," citing Ephesians 3:1–8. He shared insights from four aspects: "Paying the Price," "Faithfulness to Duty," "Understanding the Mystery," and "Serving with Gifts."

Lin Mingjin, director of the Longtou meeting point, said, "Having served in Longtou Village for nearly ten years, Pastor Lai works to support himself while carrying out the Great Commission. He has spread the gospel widely for the Lord and visited households in the village, dedicating himself to the house of God."

(The article was originally published by the Gospel Times and the author is a church member in Fuzhou, Fujian Province.)

- Translated by Abigail Wu 

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