Christians Make Sachets to Attract Tourists at Dragon Boat Festival

Female members took a group picture with fans featuring the Dragon Boat Festival at Jiangsu Road Church in Qingdao, Shandong, on June 10, 2024.
Female members took a group picture with fans featuring the Dragon Boat Festival at Jiangsu Road Church in Qingdao, Shandong, on June 10, 2024. (photo: Qingdao CC&TSPM)
By Hua LiJune 14th, 2024

Female members of Jiangsu Road Church, Qingdao, Shandong, made sachets to give to tourists on June 10, the Dragon Boat Festival.

It is one of the four traditional festivals in China. Chinese Christians also memorialize and admire Qu Yuan's patriotic sentiment in his poem, “For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I will not regret a thousand depths to die.” At the same time, they immersed themselves in Chinese traditional culture.

Dressed in the styles of the Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties, they made sachets with traditional techniques for visitors who stopped to admire them.

It was one of the activities of the “gathering of literati on Dragon Boat Festival” organized by the church, aiming at show the traditional Chinese culture with books, fragrances, and music.

On the second floor of the church, the activity of singing hymns was held by the team featuring exploring hymns with Chinese characteristics at different times. They sang hymns and Chinese artworks, in order that the visitors could get audio-visual enjoyment.

The calligrapher Lianzhan Ye, created calligraphy works based on traditional poems. The believers also wrote their works, such as “端午临中夏,时清日复长” (which means "at the time of the Dragon Boat Festival, it was close to the middle of summer, and the days are getting longer and longer") and “新知万里外,丹心照夙昔”(which means "with a new acquaintance a million miles away, I've always had a burning desire to serve my country").

- Translated by Olinda Wang

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