Shaanxi CC&TSPM Delegation Visits Germany, France

A group picture was taken at Bibliorama (a Bible museum in Stuttgart) when the delegation from Shaanxi CC&TSPM visited Germany on June 12-15, 2024.
A group picture was taken at Bibliorama (a Bible museum in Stuttgart) when the delegation from Shaanxi CC&TSPM visited Germany on June 12-15, 2024. (photo: Shaanxi CC&TSPM)
By Hua LiJune 25th, 2024

Invited by the German Bible Society (GBS) and the French Bible Society (FBS), the Shaanxi CC&TSPM delegation went to Germany and France for a visit from June 12 to 19, 2024.

It consisted of eight persons, with Rev. Wang Jun, chairman and president of Shaanxi CC&TSPM, as the head, and Li Qinchuan, vice director of Shaanxi Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committees, as the counselor.

After arriving in Germany on June 12, the members of the delegation had a discussion with Dr. Christoph Rosel, generalsecretary of GBS; Mr. Horst Scheurenbrand, director of international programs at GBS; and Mr. Weiner, director of the board of directors at the Lutheran Church in Württemberg.

GBS has introduced its development since its establishment, especially in cooperation with the Chinese Church in publishing different versions of the Bible and so on.

Mr. Weiner presented the ministry, including pastoring and management, social service, etc. Rev. Wang Jun talked about the basic overview of social development, the history of churches, and the main work carried out by Shaanxi CC&TSPM, specifically exploring the sinicization of Christianity. Besides, they exchanged views on the cultivation of talents, media ministry, the current challenges and responses of the church, and inter-religious harmonious dialogue.

After visiting Germany, they arrived in Paris on June 16. Then the delegation had a meeting with Mr. Jonathan Boulet, general secretary of FBS, talking about ministries of both sides, translation and interpretation of the Bible, the development and changes of contemporary Christianity, and the dialogue on religious harmony.

During the visit, they also paid a visit to the Bibliorama, Frankfurt Cathedral, and Frauenkirche in Germany, as well as the Basilique du Sacré Coeur in France.

- Translated by Olinda Wang

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