Graduation Ceremonies for Seminaries, Theological Training Centers

Some graduates received graduation certificates at Jiangsu Theological Seminary in Nanjing, Jiangsu, on June 21, 2024.
Some graduates received graduation certificates at Jiangsu Theological Seminary in Nanjing, Jiangsu, on June 21, 2024. (photo: Jiangsu Theological Seminary)
By John ZhangJune 28th, 2024

Three seminaries and two theological training centers awarded graduation certificates to students.

Zhejiang Seminary held its 2024 graduation service and ceremony on June 21. Rev. Huang Mingke, vice chairman and secretary-general of Zhejiang TSPM, delivered a sermon titled "Do You Know from Whom You Learned?" reported CCC&TSPM. He encouraged graduates to apply their learning, teach others righteousness, and perform good deeds. A total of 34 students from the seminary were approved for graduation, including 17 pastoral postgraduate students and 17 theology undergraduate students. Four pastors, including Reverend Huang, received honorary alumni awards.

Rev. Chen Huihui from the Jiangsu Theological Seminary announced the list of seven outstanding graduates of the 2024 class on the same day, said the school. President Zhang Keyun congratulated the 97 students who are set to graduate this year.

On the same day, Jieyang Theological Training Center held its completion ceremony, where Rev. Lei Yuming, executive vice president of Guangdong CC&TSPM, delivered a sermon titled "A Model of Repentance," according to the provincial CC&TSPM. He used the example of David's sincere repentance to encourage students to constantly reflect on and restore their relationship with God, seek God's forgiveness for sins, and become men after God's heart. Rev. Xu Jieping, president of Guangdong Union Seminary and president of the Jieyang Christian Council, awarded graduation certificates to the graduates of the extension class. Students of the advanced class and further study class also received their certificates.

At the Shantou Theological Training Center, Rev. Lin Enling, secretary general and general secretary of Guangdong CC&TSPM, awarded completion certificates to 53 students on June 21.

Zhongnan Theological Seminary held the 2024 graduation service and ceremony on June 26, reported Hubei CC&TSPM. Rev. Pastor Ren Chang'en encouraged the graduates with the scripture 2 Timothy 4:1-5, urging them to preach the word, be patient, stay focused, endure hardship, and be cautious; to become God’s great, specialized, and long-lasting workers in this era.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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