Christian Training Center Inaugurated in Linfen

The Linfen Christian Training Center was unveiled  on the third floor of the east building of Linfen CC&TSPM in Shanxi on July 4, 2024.
The Linfen Christian Training Center was unveiled on the third floor of the east building of Linfen CC&TSPM in Shanxi on July 4, 2024. (photo:  Linfen TSPM)
By Mark Cui July 9th, 2024

Linfen Christian Training Center was established and inaugurated in Shanxi Province on July 4.

“Linfen Christian Training Center was established to create a practical platform for Christian training and education with local characteristics, to cultivate talents with 'Double Proficiency' (proficient in the classical Christian doctrines and excellent traditional Chinese culture), as well s to resist heresies, cults, and infiltration from abroad,” reported Linfen TSPM,

In the unveiling ceremony on the third floor of the east building of Linfen CC&TSPM on July 4, Elder Chen Li, executive deputy director and executive deputy president of Linfen CC&TSPM, made a speech. She stated that the training center, as a base for talent training, will organize different classes to cultivate high-quality Christian talents according to the needs of the churches in the city.

The training center was then inaugurated by the leaders of the competent authorities and the members of the municipal CC&TSPM.

- Translated by Emily Qu

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