Jilin Launches Basic Training Course For Volunteer Lay Pastors

The opening ceremony of the ninth session of a basic training course for volunteer lay pastors was held at Thanksgiving Church by Jilin Municipal CC&TSPM in Jilin Province on July 1, 2024.
The opening ceremony of the ninth session of a basic training course for volunteer lay pastors was held at Thanksgiving Church by Jilin Municipal CC&TSPM in Jilin Province on July 1, 2024. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangJuly 9th, 2024

The opening ceremony of the ninth session of a basic training course for volunteer lay pastors was held by Jilin Municipal CC&TSPM in Jilin Province.

A total of 83 students enrolled in this basic training class, and some lecturers attended the ceremony held at Thanksgiving Church on Beijing Road on July 1, reported CCC&TSPM.

Rev. Ren Dazhong, chairman and president of the municipal CC&TSPM, encouraged every student to grow in pastoral ministry and to be self-taught pastors; to learn in their circumstances, and to serve while learning. Through learning, they could grow in the knowledge of truth, develop personal potential, and change behaviors, to meet the requirements of social and church development and become a blessing to both society and the church.

This training session lasts for two months. Those who pass the final assessment will enter churches to provide pastoral care, supplementing the shortage of grassroots pastors caused by urbanization and aging populations.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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