4th Training Session for Pastors Launched in Guiyang

The opening ceremony of the fourth pastoral training class of the Guizhou Pastoral Training Center was held at Guizhou Bible School, Guizhou, on June 24, 2024.
The opening ceremony of the fourth pastoral training class of the Guizhou Pastoral Training Center was held at Guizhou Bible School, Guizhou, on June 24, 2024. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui July 10th, 2024

The Guizhou Pastoral Training Center carried out the fourth training session for pastors at Guizhou Bible School.

Rev. Yang Zhaoyun, director of the center, made a speech in the opening ceremony on June 24 to introduce the course of the training, its purpose and importance, put forward the relevant learning requirements and express his expectation that trainess would serve the churches after the training, reported CCC&TSPM.

The training course lasts for 20 days, with the participation of 40 pastoral workers from churches in nine cities (or prefectures) in the province. A total of 20 courses were given, such as Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, Interpretation of Religious Policies and Regulations, Casting a Firm Sense of the Chinese National Community, Selected Lectures on Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture, Three-Self Patriotic Education, Pastoral Counseling, Practical Exploration of Sinicization of Christianity in Guizhou, Essential Doctrines of Christianity, Normative Management of Churches and Social Etiquette. 

- Translated by Emily Qu                                         


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