93 Seekers Baptized in Changchun’s Largest Church

A baptism was performed by sprinkling a seeker at West Wuma Road Church in Changchun, Jilin, on July 14, 2024.
A baptism was performed by sprinkling a seeker at West Wuma Road Church in Changchun, Jilin, on July 14, 2024.
By Wu ZhongyiJuly 16th, 2024

A church in Jilin Province, boasting a history of 138 years, held its 2024 Sunday baptism service.

On Sunday, July 14, after the Sunday sermon at West Wuma Road Church in Changchun, 93 seekers were baptized.

A young woman, who was baptized, joyfully said, "My father told me that from now on, I’m baptized into the Lord Jesus, and I belong to Him."

At the baptism site, there was a touching scene: Rev. Su Xing personally baptized an elderly woman who had been attending services for four years. At 80 years old and originally from Anhui, she now lives with her daughter in Changchun. Due to a leg condition, she could not kneel. Despite having read the Bible four times, she had not been baptized before, but she fulfilled her wish that day.

Additionally, the church has arranged follow-up training and fellowship activities for these new believers.

Established in 1886, the church is the most significant and largest church in Changchun and the site of the municipal CC&TSPM.

(The article was originally published by the Gospel Times and the author reported from Changchun, Jilin.)

-  Translated by Abigail Wu

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